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shylock after the trial merchant of venice The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been writte
Society / Culture /

The worth of Words

The worth of Words

Short expressions of popular wisdom are true golden heritage. The Polish language is full of terms, expressions and proverbs related to the most precious of metals which reflect the sparkle of this nation’s culture.
W Krakowie zakończył się 35 Studencki Festiwal Piosenki. Wydarzeniem był koncert Ewy Demarczyk, laureatki pierwszego festiwalu w 1962 roku. N/z: Ewa demarczyk na scenie Teatru Słowackiego. PAP JACEK BEDNARCZYK 9.05.99
Society / Culture /

The Black Angel

The Black Angel

Called the “Black Angel” of the Polish song, Ewa Demarczyk was one of the most outstanding Polish stage personalities. Her poetry-adapted songs travelled the world’s greatest stages and, though she didn’t leave too many recordings, her hypnotising hum can still be heard on any good radio station.