Their work, a real labour of love, allows the memory of our ancestors to be kept alive throughout time while passing knowledge between different generations.
Monuments are the most apparent feature of a past that carries the memories of our ancestors over time. Get to know a selection of bearing–legacy monuments in Poland, Colombia and Portugal.
In the mid-19th century, after becoming a widow at 33, Antónia Ferreira planted vines, built warehouses, hired employees and fought against the lack of Government support, taking care of the Port Wine business founded by her grandfather.
If we analyse the concept of health, understanding it to be physical, mental and social well-being, it should be clarified that physical appearance is a fundamental part of self-esteem, which plays an essential role in mental and social health.
A runner’s body is almost a different human species from that of a sedentary person. And with exercise, we prevent two major threats to quality of life: the deterioration of cognitive abilities and the loss of mobility.
The “Santa Maria Manuela” iconic ship is still being visited every year by thousands of people. It was acquired in 2016 by Recheio Cash&Carry, a Company belonging to the Jerónimo Martins Group.
When the musculoskeletal system is stimulated, it does not degenerate. There is a strong feedback mechanism between this and the nervous system, hence the conclusion that the body and mind are forever young.
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